Archives holdings metadata
Istruzione, cultura e sport
The Archives Portal Europe provides access to information on archival material from the following Swiss archives via its website and API as well as information on archival insti...
Mappe storiche nella collezione della biblioteca dell'Università di Basilea
Istruzione, cultura e sport, Regioni e città
Questa raccolta di mappe della Biblioteca Universitaria di Basilea comprende più di 500 mappe digitalizzate, che vanno dal XVI fino alla fine del XVIII secolo. Alcuni punti sali...
Citations extracted from monographs about the history of Venice
Istruzione, cultura e sport, Regioni e città
A dataset of citations extracted from monographs about the history of Venice.
Rousseau Online: Jean-Jacques Rousseau, Collection complète des oeuvres
Istruzione, cultura e sport
rousseauonline.ch gives access to the complete works of Jean-Jacques Rousseau (1712-1778) in their first reference edition, in 17 volumes and almost 10'000 pages, published in G...
Annotated references from journal issues and monographs on the history of Venice
Istruzione, cultura e sport
A dataset of annotated references (in both reference lists and footnotes) from journal issues and monographs on the history of Venice, created in the context of the LinkedBooks ...
Photographs of Items from the Musée Bolo's Collection
Istruzione, cultura e sport
The Musée Bolo is an exhibition at the School of Computer And Communication Sciences at the École Polytechnique Fédérale de Lausanne (EPFL) in Lausanne. Currently it houses arou...
Ehedatenbank Kanton Zürich
Popolazione e società, Istruzione, cultura e sport
Tabellen mit Daten zu Verheiratungen im Kanton Zürich des 16. und 17. Jahrhunderts.
RTS TV and Radio Broadcasts
Istruzione, cultura e sport
Metadata about all RTS TV and Radio Broadcasts from 1935 until now. This includes more than 350'000 shows and covers all RTS audio and video channels : RTS 1, RTS 2, La Première...
e-manuscripta.ch, the digital platform for manuscript material from Swiss lib...
Istruzione, cultura e sport
The presentation platform e-manuscripta.ch provides Swiss libraries and archives with a presentation tool for digitised manuscripts of all kinds. The spectrum ranges from text m...
e-rara.ch, the platform for digitized rare books from Swiss libraries
Istruzione, cultura e sport
e-rara.ch is the portal for digitised printed works from Swiss libraries. These works range from books and maps to illustrated materials – from the earliest days of book printin...
21st Century Swiss video games
Istruzione, cultura e sport
A table with information about (initially 21st Century, released) independent video games created by Swiss game developers or studios.
Fotografien von zeitgenössischen Musikerinnen und Musikern der Waadt
Istruzione, cultura e sport
Die Kantons- und Universitätsbibliothek Lausanne sammelt Nachlässe, Noten und Publikationen über Musikerinnen und Musiker die einen Bezug zur Waadt haben. Die Fotografien dieser...
Historical Photographs of Wetzikon
Istruzione, cultura e sport
The Municipal Archives Wetzikon have made a set of historical photographs from the album of Fritz Wiesendanger (photographer in Wetzikon, †1917) available.
Bilder im Stadtarchiv Baden
Istruzione, cultura e sport
Das Stadtarchiv Baden hat ca. 5000 (Stand Dezember 2016) digitalisierte Abbildungen von digitalisiertem Material in den Sammlungen vom historischen Museum von Baden und der Sta...
Fotos von Schuhen in der Sammlung des Schuhmuseums Lausanne
Istruzione, cultura e sport
Die Sammlung des Schuhmuseums Lausanne umfasst Reproduktionen von Schuhen und Lederaccessoires unterschiedlichen Alters aus ganz Europa. Die Sammlung umfasst mehr als 400 Beispi...
Metadata of the Historical Dictionary of Switzerland
Istruzione, cultura e sport
Different sets of meta-data are available concerning the Historical Dictionary of Switzerland (HDS), such as article lists for different categories and languages, authority file...
Die Freiberge 1892-1932 auf den Fotos von Eugène Cattin
Istruzione, cultura e sport
Das Archive cantonales jurassiennes (ArCJ) hat die Fotosammlung des Schweizer Fotografen Eugène Cattin (1866–1947) im Zusammenarbeit mit Wikimedia CH auf Wikimedia Commons hochg...
SwissJazzOrama Jazz Metadata
Istruzione, cultura e sport
SwissJazzOrama collects and archives all kinds of sound carriers, pictures, literature and other testimonies from the Jazz universe. It collects information about as many differ...
Swiss Theatre Metadata
Istruzione, cultura e sport
The Swiss theatre metadata gathered by the Swiss Theatre Collection contains information about ca. 55’000 professional theatre productions in Switzerland, mainly from the mid-20...
Swiss Photography Metadata
Istruzione, cultura e sport
The database serves as a finding aid for photography collections and estates in Switzerland. Please note that the biographical texts and the texts covering institutions and hold...