25 dataset trovati

Risultato del Filtro
  • Historische Drucke der Universitätsbibliothek Basel

    Istruzione, cultura e sport, Governo e settore pubblico, Regioni e città, Trasporti

    Über 6'000 Drucke (Bücher, Karten und Musiknoten) in der Unversitätsbibliothek Basel, die zwischen dem 15. und 20. Jahrhundert entstanden. Die Sammlung enthält als Besonderheit ...

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    • ZIP
  • Le fotografie segnaletiche di Carl Durheim

    Popolazione e società, Istruzione, cultura e sport, Giustizia, sistema giuridico e sicurezza pubblica, Economia e finanze

    Negli anni 1852-1853 Carl Durheim immortalò, su incarico della Confederazione, centinaia di persone senza patria e nomadi arrestati e tenuti in carcere in Svizzera. L’opera del ...

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  • Protection of cultural property inventory with objects of regional importance

    Popolazione e società, Istruzione, cultura e sport, Economia e finanze

    Inventory of Cultural Property in Switzerland (historical buildings and heritage collections). The list of A-objects contains cultural properties of national significance, while...

  • Plazi TreatmentBank

    Istruzione, cultura e sport, Ambiente

    The Plazi TreatmentBank deals with scientific, published, biosystematic literature. It is the literature documenting and describing all the world’s ca 1.9 Million known species ...

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  • Bibliographic data of IUCN's publications and grey literature

    Istruzione, cultura e sport, Agricoltura, pesca, silvicoltura e prodotti alimentari, Regioni e città, Ambiente

    IUCN is the International Union for Conservation of Nature, with its headquarters in Gland, Switzerland. The dataset contains bibliographic data of IUCN's publications and grey ...

    • XML
  • International Telecommunication Union History Portal Metadata

    Istruzione, cultura e sport, Giustizia, sistema giuridico e sicurezza pubblica, Governo e settore pubblico, Economia e finanze

    For a century and a half since 1865, the International Telecommunication Union (ITU) has been at the centre of advances in communications – from telegraphy through to the modern...

    • HTML
  • Combined Archival Meta-Data from 5 swiss archives in Linked Data

    Istruzione, cultura e sport, Governo e settore pubblico

    To unlock the power of existing finding aids in archives, an informal group of interest around Linked Data (LD) has formed in Switzerland mid 2014. Archival practitioners of fiv...

  • Historische Drucke der Zentralbibliothek Solothurn

    Istruzione, cultura e sport

    Der Datensatz enthält ca. 1200 Reproduktionen, welche die Zentralbibliothek Solothurn auf Wikimedia Commons veröffentlicht hat. In den Dokumenten spiegeln sich viele Facetten de...

    • TIFF
  • Lateinische Abkürzungen in Adriano Cappellis Lexicon Abbreviaturarum

    Istruzione, cultura e sport

    Dieser Datensatz enthält die Bild- und Textdaten des nach seinem Autor Adriano Cappelli benannten Standardwerks «Lexicon abbreviaturarum» (Cappelli, Adriano: Lexicon Abbreviatur...

    • ZIP
  • Basic descriptive bibliographic and usage data of Lucernense collections 17.-...

    Istruzione, cultura e sport

    The Zentral- und Hochschulbibliothek Luzern is the cantonal and academic library of the canton of Lucerne and holds in its collections, among others, publications from and about...

    • CSV
  • Basic Metadata of the Virtual Manuscript Library of Switzerland

    Istruzione, cultura e sport

    The goal of e-codices is to provide access to medieval and modern manuscripts of Switzerland via a virtual library. On the e-codices website, complete digital reproductions o...

    • XML
  • Images from the Zentralbibliothek Zürich's Special Collections

    Istruzione, cultura e sport

    The Zurich Central Library has made some 100 high resolution scans of single-leaf broadsheets, landscapes, portraits as well as cultural/historical material from its rich specia...

  • Manuscripts in the holding of the Municipal Library Schaffhausen

    Istruzione, cultura e sport

    This collection includes high-quality reproductions of the medieval manuscripts in the Municipal Library Schaffhausen.

  • Medieval manuscripts in the Basel University Library

    Istruzione, cultura e sport

    This collection includes high-quality reproductions of more than 70 of the medieval manuscripts in the Basel University Library. Most of the manuscripts were written in the l...

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    • JSON
  • Mittelalterliche Handschriften der Zentralbibliothek Solothurn

    Istruzione, cultura e sport

    Die Zentralbibliothek Solothurn verfügt über einen wichtigen Bestand an überwiegend spätmittelalterlichen Handschriften. Die über 100 Codices stammen nicht nur aus Solothurner K...

    • HTML
  • Public Domain Music Recordings and Metadata

    Istruzione, cultura e sport

    The Swiss Foundation Public Domain is a charitable foundation specialized in the conservation and utilization of public domain music and film material. Its archives include over...

    • HTML
  • Inventar der Schweizer Gedächtnisinstitutionen

    Istruzione, cultura e sport

    Inventar der Gedächtnisinstitutionen in der Schweiz (inklusive Fürstentum Liechtenstein). Das Inventar wurde auf der Grundlage von verschiedenen Quellen zusammengestellt.

    • XLS
  • Swiss Photography Metadata

    Istruzione, cultura e sport

    The database serves as a finding aid for photography collections and estates in Switzerland. Please note that the biographical texts and the texts covering institutions and hold...

    • JSON
  • Swiss Theatre Metadata

    Istruzione, cultura e sport

    The Swiss theatre metadata gathered by the Swiss Theatre Collection contains information about ca. 55’000 professional theatre productions in Switzerland, mainly from the mid-20...

  • SwissJazzOrama Jazz Metadata

    Istruzione, cultura e sport

    SwissJazzOrama collects and archives all kinds of sound carriers, pictures, literature and other testimonies from the Jazz universe. It collects information about as many differ...