Evaluating the predictive performance of human avalanche forecasts and model predictions in Switzerland

This data set was used in the analysis by Techel et al. Forecasting avalanche danger: human-made forecasts vs. fully automated model-driven predictions, submitted to Natural Hazards Earth System Sciences on 20 Aug 2024. The repository contains data from two avalanche forecasting seasons (2022/2023, 2023/2024) in Switzerland. Interpolated predictions - The .zip file contains the interpolated predictions for the three models in nowcast- and forecast- mode. This data is needed to reproduce the figures and tables in the submitted preprint. The other data are the raw data underlying the interpolations: - Avalanche forecast by WSL Institute for Snow and Avalanche Research SLF, published at 17.00 local time, valid for the following 24 hours and relating to dry snow avalanche conditions. - Model predictions in nowcast- and forecast-mode for three models (danger level, instability, natural avalanche), valid for 12.00 local time - Subset of points extracted from GPS tracks (courtesy of Skitourenguru GmbH) - Avalanche observations - natural avalanches and human-triggered avalanches - Estimates of the snowline - Randomly chosen subset of grid points used for generating reference distributions For details regarding the data sets refer to the publication.

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Data di pubblicazione
Agosto 19, 2024
Data ultima modifica
Agosto 21, 2024
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