Multi-resolution CLM5 simulations across Switzerland

This dataset contains Community Land Model 5 (CLM5) simulation output over the spatial extent of Switzerland at different resolutions and based on a range of input datasets. It further contains land-use surface data used for the CLM5-simulations.

Detailed description of the CLM5 simulation setup and the various input datasets can be found in the accompanying publication:

CLM5 simulation output

This dataset includes gridded CLM5 simulations of snow depth, gross primary productivity (GPP) and evapotranspiration at different resolutions ( 1km, 0.25° and 0.5°) and based on a range of input datasets over the spatial extent of Switzerland (see folder gridded_CLM5_simulations). Additionally, point-scale CLM5 simulations of snow depth and snow-water-equivalent at 36 snow-station locations (see folder point_scale_CLM5_simulations) are included. Latitude, longitude and elevation for these station locations can be found in table A1 of the above-mentioned publication. All simulation output spans from 01/01/2015 - 31/12/2019.

Included CLM5 simulation results are based on 3 different meteorological forcing datasets: * Clim_CRU: standard global dataset, we used the recent state-of-the-art standrd global dataset CRU-JRA (

  • Clim_CRU*: ClimCRU upraded by downscaling temperature data using a temperature lapse rate of -6.5K/1000m and a high-resolution DEM

  • Clim_OSHD: highest level of detail, meteorological forcing generated according to methods developed by the Operational Snow Hydrological Service (OSHD), at 1km spatial and 1hour temporal resolution

Land-use surface data

This dataset further includes forcing land surface datasets used for the CLM5 simulations at 1km, 0.25° and 0.5° resolution (see folder surface_landuse_datasets). For the 1km resolution both the standard global (LU_Gl) and the high-resolution dataset (LU_HR), which includes a higher level of detail and is based on a more up-to-date land use datase, are provided. More details on these two datasets can be found in the above-mentioned publication.

Data e Risorse

Informazioni aggiuntive

Titolo per l’URL del dataset
Pianificare la pubblicazione del dataset
Data di pubblicazione
Luglio 3, 2024
Data ultima modifica
Luglio 16, 2024
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Intervallo di aggiornamento
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Dataset Information
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