Distributed Acoustic Sensing Brienz
Education, culture and sport
This dataset contains the Distributed Acoustic Sensing (DAS), radar detection data used for training and result analysis in the GRL paper titled `Automatic Monitoring of Rock-Sl...
High resolution land use forecasts for Switzerland in the 21st century
Education, culture and sport
We present forecasts of land-use/land-cover (LULC) change for Switzerland for three time-steps in the 21st century under the representative concentration pathways 4.5 and 8.5, a...
DISCHMEX - High-resolution daily snow ablation rates in an Alpine environment
Education, culture and sport
We recorded snow ablation maps with a terrestrial laser scanner (TLS, Riegl-VZ6000) at the Gletschboden area. The TLS position is located approximately 30 vertical meters above ...
Land use projections and services for Switzerland
Education, culture and sport
Data and scripts of publication: Madleina Gerecke, Oskar Hagen, Janine Bolliger, Anna M. Hersperger, Felix Kienast, Bronwyn Price, Loïc Pellissier (2019) Assessing potential la...
History of wetlands in Switzerland since 1850
Education, culture and sport
Naturally, large parts of the Swiss Plateau are characterised by wetlands and meandering rivers. That this is no longer the case today is the result of centuries of efforts to o...
Snow Drift Station - Flowcapt
Education, culture and sport
The FlowCapt is an ultra-robust instrument measuring solid particle acoustic mass - flux intensities (g m‾ ² s‾ ¹) and wind speeds (m s‾ ¹). It ...
Understanding snow saltation parameterizations - Reproducibility
Education, culture and sport
This dataset includes the necessary files to reproduce the results presented in Melo et al. (2024): - code version used in the simulations (also available at the institutional [...
Anthropogenic change and soil net N mineralization
Education, culture and sport
This dataset contains all data on which the following publication below is based. Paper Citation: Risch Anita C., Zimmermann, Stefan, Moser, Barbara, Schütz, Martin, Hagedorn,...
Vordemwald, Switzerland: Long-term forest meteorological data from the Long-t...
Education, culture and sport
High quality meteorological data are needed for long-term forest ecosystem research, particularly in the light of global change. The long-term data series published here compris...
Nuclear microsatellite genotypes of the butterfly Melanargia galathea
Education, culture and sport
Individual genotypes assessed at six nuclear microsatellite loci (two alleles per locus) for individuals of the butterfly Melanargia galathea (Marbled white) that were collected...
Soil respiration - exclosure experiment
Education, culture and sport
Location of data collection The Swiss National Park (SNP) is located in the southeastern part of Switzerland, and covers an area of 170 km2, 50 km2 of which is forested, 33 km2 ...
Native and no-native plant interactions in Australian grasslands
Education, culture and sport
This dataset contains all data, on which the following publication below is based. Paper Citation: _Schlierenzauer, C., Risch, A.C., Schütz, M., Firn, J. 2021. Non-native Erag...
Optimizing renewable energy siting in the Swiss landscape
Education, culture and sport
This study examines the siting scenarios for renewable energy infrastructure (REI) in Switzerland, incorporating the external costs of ecosystem services and, innovatively, soci...
gbif.range - An R package to generate species range maps based on ecoregions ...
Education, culture and sport
Although species range may be obtained using expert maps or modeling methods, expert data is often species-limited and statistical models need more technical expertise as well a...
Data set on snow instability
Education, culture and sport
These data on snow instability include three data subsets that were analyzed and the results published by Reuter and Schweizer (2018) who suggest a novel framework on how to des...
Simulated and observed prevalence of dispersal-related traits in tropical ree...
Education, culture and sport
This dataset contains all data and R codes (R Development Core Team, https://www.R-project.org) used in the following publication: Donati GFA, Parravicini V, Leprieur F, Hagen O...
A numerical solver for heat and mass transport in snow based on FEniCS
Education, culture and sport
This python code uses the Finite Element library FEniCS (via docker) to solve the one dimensional partial differential equations for heat and mass transfer in snow. The results ...
Aerosol Data Weissfluhjoch
Education, culture and sport
Aerosol properties were measured between February 8 and March 31 2019 at the measurement site Weissfluhjoch (LON: 9.806475, LAT: 46.832964). Optical and aerodynamic particle cou...
Torymus sinensis local and regional early population dynamics in the Insubria...
Education, culture and sport
This dataset contains the population evolution of a pest and its biocontrol agent in terms of presence proportion at gall level and absolute number of insects. The study area e...
Tree species profiles from Sentinel-2 time series
Education, culture and sport
Tree species profiles from Sentinel-2 time series We obtained tree species-specific Sentinel-2 time series for the years 2019 and 2020. The Sentinel-2 time series originated fr...