Gross monthly wage by groups of occupations, age and gender - Private and public sectors combined - Espace Mittelland (BE, FR, SO, NE, JU) [T17_GR-2]
Data and Resources
Salario mensile lordo secondo i Gruppi di ...HTML
Gross monthly wage by groups of occupations, ...XLS
Gross monthly wage by groups of occupations, ...HTML
Salaire mensuel brut selon les groupes de ...HTML
Salaire mensuel brut selon les groupes de ...XLS
Monatlicher Bruttolohn nach Berufsgruppen, ...XLS
Monatlicher Bruttolohn nach Berufsgruppen, ...HTML
Salario mensile lordo secondo i Gruppi di ...XLS
Additional information
- Identifier
- 12488199@bundesamt-fur-statistik-bfs
- Title for URL of the dataset
- monatlicher-bruttolohn-nach-berufsgruppen-lebensalter-und-geschlecht-privater-und-offentlicher-10
- Schedule the publication of the dataset
- -
- Issued date
- April 21, 2020
- Modification date
- -
- Conforms to
- -
- Update interval
- -
- Temporal coverage
- -
- Publisher Information
- Contact points
- Languages
- English
- German
- French
- Italian
- Url
- Relations
- Legal basis
- Spatial
- Schweiz
- Related datasets
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