Equids - Imports by country
Number of notified imports of equids by country. All remaining countries are grouped under the term "Further countries". The complete list is available when downloading the data.
Equids - Equine passport issuing services
Evolution of the number of equine passports issued by issuing bodies over time.
Equids - Evolution of notifications
Increase and decrease of the equin population in the AMD (notifications from Liechtenstein and from abroad included). Increasing notifications contain the categories birth, impo...
Equids - Exports by sex
Number of notified exports of equids by sex.
Equids - Evolution by canton
Number of registered and living equids by canton.
Equids - Number of owners by equids owned
Number of owners of living and registered equids in Switzerland, in Liechtenstein and abroad (all countries except Liechtenstein) by equids owned.
Equids - Evolution in Switzerland
Number of registered and living equids in Switzerland over time.
Equids - Slaughters
Number of slaughters by equid types over time.
Equids - Evolution by type of use and equid types
Evolution of registered and living equids by equid types and by type of use companion animal. The terms livestock and companion animal, according to the Ordinance on veterinary ...
Equids - Summering by age
Number of registered and living equids in the summering zone by age in Switzerland and in Liechtenstein. The annual view shows the number of animals as of July 25 (DZV Artikel 98).
Equids - Distribution by municipality
Map of the distribution of registered and living equids by municipality and agricultural zones boundaries according to the FOAG classification: total, total by surface in km2 wi...
Equids - Evolution by agricultural zones
Number of registered and living equids by agricultural zones.
Equids - Distribution of births
Distribution of the births of the registered equids.
Equids - Evolution by breed
Number of registered and living equids by breed. The evolution of the largest populations is presented. The complete list is available when downloading the data (.csv).
Equids - Passport types for equids
Evolution of the number of equine passport types issued over time.
Equids - Notifications of relocation
Number of equid notifications for a change of holding (relocation, import or ownership change with relocation) by year and by total of relocations by equid (Liechtenstein includ...
Equids - Equine passports by place of birth
Proportion of passports issued for equids born in Switzerland and Liechtenstein, by category of issuer.
Equids - Exports by equid types
Number of notified exports of equids by equid types.
Equids - Deaths
Number of deaths (without euthanasia) by equid types over time. The notifications on deaths and euthanasia may be affected by inaccuracies.
Equids - Euthanasia
Number of euthanasia by equid types over time.