Cattle - Number of calvings by breed
Distribution of the number of calvings by breed of the cow. The number is shown in the range of 1-20 in the form of a boxplot. The number of observations by breed can be found i...
Cattle - Losses during summering by canton
Cattle losses (deaths) during summering in the summering zone by canton in Switzerland and in Liechtenstein.
Cattle - Age of cows at last calving by breed
Distribution of the age at last calving (ALC, in months) by breed of the cow. The ALC is shown in the range of 20-300 months in the form of a boxplot. The number of observations...
Cattle - Herd life
Distribution of the herd life (first to last calving, HL, in months - Literature) by year of slaughter and by breed type of the cow (dairy breeds or beef breeds). The HL is show...
Cattle - Names of male calves
Top 10 names for the bull calves in the birthyear. Animals without names or with "technical" name designations are not considered in the graph. The majority of all names appear ...
Cattle - Herd size per holding
Median size of herds of registered and living cattle for all holdings, the 10% smallest and 10% largest.
Cattle - Summering by canton
Number of registered and living cattle in the summering zone by canton in Switzerland and in Liechtenstein. The annual view shows the number of animals as of July 25 (DZV Artike...
Cattle - Summering by age
Number of registered and living cattle in the summering zone by age in Switzerland and in Liechtenstein. The annual view shows the number of animals as of July 25 (DZV Artikel 98).
Cattle - Evolution by agricultural zones
Number of registered and living cattle by agricultural zones.
Cattle - Live weights of cows presented at public markets for fatstock
Distribution of the live weights (in kg) of cows by year of slaughter and by breed type (dairy breeds or beef breeds) presented at public markets for fatstock. These are cows of...
Cattle - Age of cows at slaughter by breed
Distribution of the age at slaughter (AS, in months) by breed of the cow. The AS is shown in the range of 20-300 months in the form of a boxplot. The number of observations by b...
Sheep - Births by type of use and sex
Number of notified births of sheep by type of use of the dam (dairy ewes or other ewes > 1 year of age) and sex - (Literature 1, 2, 3, 4).
Cattle - Stillbirths by type of use
Rate and absolute number of stillbirths by type of use of the dam (dairy cow or other cow) and by total number of births (live births plus stillbirths). Literature.
Cattle - Evolution of the cow population in Switzerland
Number of registered and living cows in Switzerland.
Cattle - Evolution by type of use
Number of registered and living cattle by type of use (Dairy cow, other cow or not defined).
Cattle - Animals with relocations
Number of cattle with at least one change of holding (relocation, import or export) by year and by total of relocations each animal (Liechtenstein included).
Cattle - Evolution in Switzerland and abroad
Number of registered and living cattle in Switzerland and in Liechtenstein.
Cattle - Stillbirths by type of use and sex
Rate and absolute number of stillbirths by sex and type of use of the dam (dairy cow or other cow) and by total number of births (live births plus stillbirths). Literature.
Cattle - Slaughter weights of cows by breed
Distribution of the slaughter weights (in kg) of cows by breed. The number of observations per breed can be found in the .csv. The data on slaughter weights were provided by Pro...
Cattle - Births during summering by canton
Cattle births during summering in the summering zone per canton.