5 dataset trovati

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Risultato del Filtro
  • Fotografien von Robert Breitinger

    Istruzione, cultura e sport

    Robert Breitinger-Wyder war Heizungsingenieur und Ofenfabrikant in Zürich. Mit 45 Jahren wurde er Hobbyfotograf wie viele aus der damaligen gutbürgerlichen Gesellschaftsschicht ...

    • ZIP
    • XML
  • Bibliographic data of IUCN's publications and grey literature

    Istruzione, cultura e sport, Agricoltura, pesca, silvicoltura e prodotti alimentari, Regioni e città, Ambiente

    IUCN is the International Union for Conservation of Nature, with its headquarters in Gland, Switzerland. The dataset contains bibliographic data of IUCN's publications and grey ...

    • XML
  • Sommario dei fondi sullo Stato federale dal 1848

    Governo e settore pubblico

    Il sommario della banca dati dell'Archivio federale svizzero permette all'utente di orientarsi nei fondi dello Stato federale dal 1848 (sezione principale E). Tale strumento é u...

    • XML
  • Basic Metadata of the Virtual Manuscript Library of Switzerland

    Istruzione, cultura e sport

    The goal of e-codices is to provide access to medieval and modern manuscripts of Switzerland via a virtual library. On the e-codices website, complete digital reproductions o...

    • XML
  • Medieval manuscripts in the Basel University Library

    Istruzione, cultura e sport

    This collection includes high-quality reproductions of more than 70 of the medieval manuscripts in the Basel University Library. Most of the manuscripts were written in the l...

    • XML
    • JSON
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