2 dataset trovati

Parole chiave: belowground-biomass Condizioni d'uso: https://opendata.swiss/terms-of-use#terms_by

Risultato del Filtro
  • Soil organic carbon stock of an afforestation sequence on a subalpine pasture

    Istruzione, cultura e sport

    This data set provides soil organic carbon, total nitrogen, and stable carbon isotope (13C) values of mineral soil (0-45cm), organic horizons (Oi, Oe, Oa), and root biomass of a...

    • XLS
  • Root-traits

    Istruzione, cultura e sport

    Fine-root traits of Scots pine in response to enhanced soil water availability deriving from long-term irrigation in the Pfynwald Data_Fig.1.xlsx Fine-root biomass of the topso...

    • ZIP
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