Distributed Acoustic Sensing Brienz
Istruzione, cultura e sport
This dataset contains the Distributed Acoustic Sensing (DAS), radar detection data used for training and result analysis in the GRL paper titled `Automatic Monitoring of Rock-Sl...
Figures perspective urban beekeeping
Istruzione, cultura e sport
Data and code from the perspective paper "When honeybees comes to town" The .r file provides the code to generate the figures. In addition, this repository contains the data fo...
LABES 2 Indicators of the Swiss Landscape Monitoring Program
Istruzione, cultura e sport
The Swiss Landscape Monitoring Program (LABES) records both the physical and the perceived quality of the landscape with about 30 indicators. The surveys of the physical aspects...
Soil and stem xylem water isotope data from two pan-European sampling campaigns
Istruzione, cultura e sport
Here, we present a comprehensive isotope dataset of soil and stem xylem water collected during two pan-European sampling campaigns in spring and summer 2023. The dataset include...
Historical Vegetation Height Model NFI
Istruzione, cultura e sport
The main datasets available are 4 nationwide **Digital Surface Models (DSMs)** and corresponding **Vegetation Height Models (VHMs)** with a spatial resolution of 1 m. The Vegeta...
Istruzione, cultura e sport
The dataset contains several snow models in the Standard Tesselated Geometry File Format (stl) for 3D visualization, printing and additive manufacturing. Different snow types ar...
Istruzione, cultura e sport
The specific surface area (SSA) of different snow types were measured with the IceCube instrument and the Scanco Medical microCT 40. In addition, the snow particles created duri...
Global species distributions for mammals, reptiles, and amphibians
Istruzione, cultura e sport
We modelled the global distribution of 730 amphibian, 1276 reptile, and 1961 mammal species globally as a function of current climate at a 0.5° spatial resolution using four dif...
A dataset of 40000 trees with section-wise measured stem diameter and length ...
Istruzione, cultura e sport
The data presented here were prepared for publication in form of a data paper. The dataset presents an update of the information in Didion M, Herold A, Vulovic Z, Nitzsche J, St...
CHELSA-BIOCLIM+ A novel set of global climate-related predictors at kilometre...
Istruzione, cultura e sport
A multitude of physical and biological processes on which ecosystems and human societies depend are governed by climatic conditions. Understanding how these processes are altere...
Causal effect of MFOZ
Istruzione, cultura e sport
Title: Closer to causality: How effective is spatial planning in governing built-up land expansion in Fujian Province, China? Research objective: The Major Function Oriented Zo...
The usage of landscape ecological concepts in the planning literature
Istruzione, cultura e sport
Table of content: 1. Frequency of early concepts; 2. Frequency of additional concepts; 3. Use of any early concept; 4. Use of any additional concept, 5. Planning steps; 6. Proto...
Tree-ring laser ablation data
Istruzione, cultura e sport
This dataset contains the values of several chemical elements (Mg, Al, Si, S, K, Ca, Ti, Cr, Mn, Fe, Co, Ni, Cu, Zn, As, Sr, Tl, Pb, Bi) measured in the latewood of tree rings o...
Data on wild bee taxonomic and functional diversity in Switzerland
Istruzione, cultura e sport
Raw data supporting the paper "Countrywide wild bee taxonomic and functional diversity reveal a spatial mismatch between alpha and beta-diversity facets across multiple ecologic...
Nutrient sustainability in beech forests
Istruzione, cultura e sport
With this study, our aim was to estimate the nutrient fluxes relevant for assessing nutrient sustainability as accurately as possible and to calculate nutrient balances for alte...
Non-Binary Environmental Archive Data (NEAD) format
Istruzione, cultura e sport
Acknowledgement: The NEAD format includes NetCDF metadata and is proudly inspired by both SMET and NetCDF formats. NEAD is designed as a long-term data preservation and exchange...
Challenging the sustainability of urban beekeeping: evidence from Swiss cities
Istruzione, cultura e sport
Data on: (1) (Dataset 1) spatial distribution of urban beekeeping (number of hives and number of beekeeping locations) in 14 Swiss cities (Geneva, Lausanne, Biel, Neuchatel, Bas...
Optimizing renewable energy siting in the Swiss landscape
Istruzione, cultura e sport
This study examines the siting scenarios for renewable energy infrastructure (REI) in Switzerland, incorporating the external costs of ecosystem services and, innovatively, soci...
Pfynwald Geoelectric Experiment 2022
Istruzione, cultura e sport
This collection of datasets consists of various measurements taken during the year 2022 in Pfynwald. It combines 2 electrical resistivity transects which were monitored in May a...
OGD Test Dataset - all properties _it
Istruzione, cultura e sport, Energia, Salute
Beschreibung zu OGD Test Dataset with filled in all properties _it
Operatori economici svizzeri e del liechtenstein registrati presso Swissmedic...
Popolazione e società, Istruzione, cultura e sport, Salute, Governo e settore pubblico
Banca dati degli operatori economici registrati (con sede in Svizzera o nel Principato del Liechtenstein) ai sensi dell'art. 55 cpv. 1 MedDO/art. 48 cpv. 1 IvDO: elenco di tutti...
Elektro Leitungen
Istruzione, cultura e sport, Energia, Regioni e città, Ambiente
Elektro Trasse, Bauwerke und Trassepunkte.
Energieträger Heizung
Istruzione, cultura e sport, Energia, Regioni e città, Ambiente
Der Datensatz beinhaltet die Daten aus dem eidgenössischen Gebäude- und Wohnungsregister (GWR). Das GWR wurde anhand von Daten der Volkszählung 2000 zu statistischen Zwecken ers...
Wasser Leitungen öffentlich
Istruzione, cultura e sport, Energia, Regioni e città, Ambiente
In diesem Datensatz werden Leitungen für die Wasserversorgung verwaltet. Im Kanton Uri sind nicht alle Wasserversorgungen digital erfasst. Die Gemeindeverwaltungen oder Wasserve...
Fernwärme Leitungen
Istruzione, cultura e sport, Energia, Regioni e città, Ambiente
Fernwärme Trasse und Leitungspunkt.