Beetle communities reared from beech branches and associated forest and envir...
Éducation, culture et sport
The data was generated during a landscape experiment performed on 69 plots in Sihlwald forest between 2016 and 2019. Branch bundles of different sizes consisting of beech branch...
Automatic Classification of Avalanches
Éducation, culture et sport
This dataset contains the classification and localization results obtained during the automatic classification of avalanches during the winter season 2017.
Number of avalanche fatalities per calendar year in Switzerland since 1937
Éducation, culture et sport
Attention: this data is not updated after 2022 anymore. This dataset contains the statistics on the number of avalanche fatalities per **calendar year** in Switzerland. The data...
Wind tunnel measurement data of drifting snow and turbulent wind fluctuations
Éducation, culture et sport
The data correspond to the experiments presented and discussed in a paper regarding the interaction between turbulent wind fluctuations and snow saltation mass-fluxes (Paterna, ...
Monitoring data sets of alpine photovoltaic power-plants
Éducation, culture et sport
On this repository you can find the monitoring data of the 3 PV power-plants analysed in the article _"Confirmation of the power gain for solar photovoltaic systems in alpine ar...
Synchrony between spongy moth hatching and leaf phenology of temperate trees
Éducation, culture et sport
The files correspond to the data and R-script used for the analyses of the following paper "Feasting on the ordinary or starving for the exceptional: phenological synchrony betw...
Vegetation Height Model NFI
Éducation, culture et sport
A national vegetation height model was calculated for Switzerland using digital aerial images. We used the stereo aerial images acquired by the Federal Office of Topography swis...
Nuclear microsatellite markers for Trichopria drosophilae, parasitoid wasp on...
Éducation, culture et sport
Nuclear microsatellite markers and genotype data for _Trichopria ddrosophilae_ This data set comprises (i) the characteristics of a set of 21 species-specific nuclear microsat...
Meteorology and snow transport at S17 near Syowa, Antarctica, in austral summ...
Éducation, culture et sport
This dataset contains measurement and simulation data. The measurements characterize the standard meteorology, turbulence, and snow transport at the S17 site near Syowa Station ...
Snow Drift Station - Snow and Air Data
Éducation, culture et sport
Snow and air data was monitored at Gotschnagrat (LON: 46.859 LAT: 9.849) by an infrarot radiometer (Campbell SI-111) for snow temperature (°C), a snow height sensor (Lufft SHM-3...
RIT2: Meteorological station at Ritigraben borehole site
Éducation, culture et sport
Meterological station at the [Ritigraben permafrost borehole](http://www.envidat.ch/dataset/rit1) (RIT_0102) in canton Valais, Switzerland. The station is located at 2690 m asl ...
Snow Drift Station - 3D Ultrasonic
Éducation, culture et sport
A Young 81000 sonic anemomenter was deployed at Gotschnagrat (LON: 46.859 LAT: 9.849) to record three components of the wind velocity (u, v, w in [m s‾ ¹]) and air te...
MadCrypto – Bryophyte and macrolichen diversity in laurel forests of Madeira
Éducation, culture et sport
This dataset includes species lists of bryophytes and macrolichens (presence/absence) sampled on the forest floor and on trees in disturbed and undisturbed plots along elevation...
Soil respiration - exclosure experiment
Éducation, culture et sport
Location of data collection The Swiss National Park (SNP) is located in the southeastern part of Switzerland, and covers an area of 170 km2, 50 km2 of which is forested, 33 km2 ...
Ramerenwald Close Range Remote Sensing Benchmark
Éducation, culture et sport
Close Range Remote Sensing Benchmark for different LiDAR and photogrammetric Sensors in a mixed temperate forest. Benchmarks are needed to evaluate the performance of different ...
FSM2trans snowpack simulations with HICAR input
Éducation, culture et sport
DESCRIPTION The dataset is used to run snowpack simulations with various forcing data at different resolutions with the Flexible Snow Model (FSM2oshd). A dynamical downscaling ...
Simulation parameters and outputs for a rigorous approach to the specific sur...
Éducation, culture et sport
In the associated study [1], two time-lapse temperature gradient metamorphism series of three-dimensional micro-computed tomography images of snow (obtained by [2]) have been us...
Escarpment evolution drives the diversification of the Madagascar flora
Éducation, culture et sport
Although much of the endemic biodiversity of Madagascar can be attributed to its isolation as an island in the Indian Ocean, the high rates of speciation throughout its geologic...
Seilaplan Tutorial: Merge DTM tiles
Éducation, culture et sport
In order to use the QGIS plugin ‘Seilaplan’ for digital cable line planning, a digital terrain model (DTM) is required. In this tutorial video, we show how to merge multiple DTM...
Long-term meteorological and snow station at 2090 m a.s.l., Stillberg, Davos,...
Éducation, culture et sport
Important This EnviDat entry is outdated. The most recent, usable version of the data can be found under the new EnviDat entry "Long-term meteorological station Stillberg, Davo...
Lake climate change scenarios CH2018
Éducation, culture et sport
The dataset "Lake_climate_change_scenarios_CH2018" provides simulation-based climate change impact scenarios for perialpine lakes in Switzerland. These transient future scenario...
Photogrammetric Drone Data Grüenbödeli
Éducation, culture et sport
We conducted various drone flights at Grüenbödeli near Davos with the Sony RX1R II mounted on a Wingtra drone during 2020/21/22. The data was processed with the Agisoft Metashap...
Spatial modelling of ecological indicator values
Éducation, culture et sport
Ecologically meaningful predictors are often neglected in plant distribution studies, resulting in incomplete niche quantification and low predictive power of species distributi...
History of wetlands in Switzerland since 1850
Éducation, culture et sport
Naturally, large parts of the Swiss Plateau are characterised by wetlands and meandering rivers. That this is no longer the case today is the result of centuries of efforts to o...
Climatologies at high resolution for the earth’s land surface areas
Éducation, culture et sport
High-resolution information on climatic conditions is essential to many applications in environmental and ecological sciences. Here we present the CHELSA (Climatologies at high ...