4 datasets found

Keywords: nitrogen Categories: Education, culture and sport Terms of use: https://opendata.swiss/terms-of-use#terms_by

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  • Nitrogen availability under trees exposed to CO2 enrichment (FACE)

    Education, culture and sport

    Data obtained in the free-air CO2 enrichment (FACE) experiment at Hofstetten, NW Switzerland, between 2009 and 2016. This dataset contains analyses of the soil solution througho...

    • CSV
  • Data on bryophyte diversity and treatment factors in the PaNDiv experiment

    Education, culture and sport

    This dataset was used to analyse effects of different biodiversity and functional group treatments, fertilizer and fungicide applications as well as weeding of vascular plants o...

    • XLS
  • Data Broedlin CNP

    Education, culture and sport

    Mircocosm experiment to identify the individual patterns and controls of C, N, and P mobilization in soils under beech forests. Organic and mineral horizons sampled along a nutr...

    • XLS
  • Anthropogenic change and soil net N mineralization

    Education, culture and sport

    This dataset contains all data on which the following publication below is based. Paper Citation: Risch Anita C., Zimmermann, Stefan, Moser, Barbara, Schütz, Martin, Hagedorn,...

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