Stand inventory data from the 10‐ha forest research plot in Uholka, Ukraine
Education, culture and sport
In 2000, a permanent forest plot of 10 ha has been established in the core zone of the primeval beech forest of Uholka. All living and dead trees with a diameter at breast heig...
Starter Kit for the TreeMig framework v1 for easy simulation of spatio-tempor...
Education, culture and sport
Starter kit for the [TreeMig framework](treemig.wsl.ch) that allows for an easy application of the forest landscape model TreeMig for simulating forest dynamics in space under c...
Case study applications demonstrating the use and potential of the TreeMig fr...
Education, culture and sport
The [TreeMig framework](https://treemig.wsl.ch/en/) allows for an easy application of the forest landscape model TreeMig for simulating forest dynamics in space under changing e...