A dataset of 40000 trees with section-wise measured stem diameter and length ...
Bildung, Kultur und Sport
The data presented here were prepared for publication in form of a data paper. The dataset presents an update of the information in Didion M, Herold A, Vulovic Z, Nitzsche J, St...
WFJ_MOD: Meteorological and snowpack measurements from Weissfluhjoch, Davos, ...
Bildung, Kultur und Sport
Dataset of meteorological and snowpack measurements from the automatic weather station at Weissfluhjoch, Davos, Switzerland, suitable for driving snowpack models. The dataset co...
Hydro-meteorological simulations for the period 1981-2018 for Switzerland
Bildung, Kultur und Sport
The dataset provides simulated 1) precipitation, 2) discharge, 3) soil moisture, and 4) low-flow simulations for 307 medium-sized catchments in Switzerland for the period 1981-2...
Open Science Support at the Swiss Federal Research Institute WSL. The EnviDat...
Bildung, Kultur und Sport
This poster was originally created for the swissuniversities Open Science Action Plan: Kick-Off Forum, and showed to the audience on 17.10.2019. It illustrates how the environme...
TRAMM project Ruedlingen experimental landslide dataset, Switzerland
Bildung, Kultur und Sport
A landslide testsite dataset related to pore water pressure perturbations on the stability of unsaturated silty sand slopes leading to the initiation and propagation of the shea...
Data reliability study: avalanche size estimates and outlines
Bildung, Kultur und Sport
This dataset contains the data used and collected to investigate the reliability of avalanche size estimates and avalanche outlines (see related publications). Namely this is ...
Daily data of the volumes, solutes and isotopes in snowpack outflow measured ...
Bildung, Kultur und Sport
This data contain volumes, solutes and isotopes of snowpack outflow measured by a snowmelt lysimeter system at three locations in the southern Alp catchment, situated Central Sw...
Environmental DNA Freshwater Switzerland VaudCatchment Modipl 2020
Bildung, Kultur und Sport
Catchment-based sampling of river eDNA integrates terrestrial and aquatic biodiversity of alpine landscapes From 22-Jun-2020 to 26-Jun-2020, we sampled five sites comprising on...
Stand inventory data from the 10‐ha forest research plot in Uholka, Ukraine
Bildung, Kultur und Sport
In 2000, a permanent forest plot of 10 ha has been established in the core zone of the primeval beech forest of Uholka. All living and dead trees with a diameter at breast heig...
Repeated detection-nondetection data of corticolous lichens from a standardis...
Bildung, Kultur und Sport
The available lichen data consists of detection/nondetection data (1/0) of 373 tree-inhabiting (*corticolous*) lichen species from 416 plots surveyed 1-2 times. The lichen data ...
Meteorological data used to develop and validate the bias-detecting ensemble ...
Bildung, Kultur und Sport
These data were used to drive and evaluate Jules Investigation Model (JIM) snow simulations. The data provided are the forcing data used for the "deterministic" runs as describe...
Nanoplastics in forests: Exploring the effects of nanoplastics on forest soil...
Bildung, Kultur und Sport
The fate of plastic in the environment is of global concern, because its production recently has increased strongly and it accumulates in terrestrial and aquatic ecosystems. Alt...
Soil respiration - exclosure experiment
Bildung, Kultur und Sport
Location of data collection The Swiss National Park (SNP) is located in the southeastern part of Switzerland, and covers an area of 170 km2, 50 km2 of which is forested, 33 km2 ...
Snow avalanche data Davos, Switzerland, 1999-2019
Bildung, Kultur und Sport
These data include all avalanches that were mapped in the region of Davos, Switzerland during the winters 1998-1999 to 2018-2019 (21 years), in total 13,918 avalanches, and the ...
Environmental DNA Marine Curacao 2020
Bildung, Kultur und Sport
Fish taxonomic, functional and phylogenetic composition variations recovered from eDNA metabarcoding along the coast of Curacao In February 2020, we collected a total of 20 wat...
Tree measurements 2002-2016 from the long-term irrigation experiment Pfynwald...
Bildung, Kultur und Sport
To study the performance of mature Scots pine (_Pinus sylvestris_ L.) under chronic drought conditions in comparison to their immediate physiological response to drought release...
Long-term meteorological station Stillberg, Davos, Switzerland at 2090 m a.s.l.
Bildung, Kultur und Sport
Background information The Stillberg ecological treeline research site is located in the transition zone between the relatively humid climate of the Northern Alps and the conti...
Weather Station Klosters
Bildung, Kultur und Sport
A weather station (Lufft WS600) measured meteorological parameters at Klosters (LON: 9.880413, LAT: 46.869019). Detailed information on the specifications can be found [here](ht...
Modeling snow failure with DEM
Bildung, Kultur und Sport
This data set includes the modeling results described in the research article by Bobiller et al. (2020). All the figures in the article can be reproduced with the data provided.
Snow depth mapping by airplane photogrammetry (2017 - ongoing)
Bildung, Kultur und Sport
The available datasets are snow depth maps with a spatial resolution of 0.5 m derived from images of the survey camera Vexcel Ultracam mounted on a piloted airplane. Image acqui...
Aerosol Data Weissfluhjoch
Bildung, Kultur und Sport
Aerosol properties were measured between February 8 and March 31 2019 at the measurement site Weissfluhjoch (LON: 9.806475, LAT: 46.832964). Optical and aerodynamic particle cou...
Photogrammetric Drone Data Wolfgang Arelen
Bildung, Kultur und Sport
We conducted four drone flights in Davos Wolfgang Arelen, in 2020/21 and 2022 to obtain data for the generation of DSMs and orthomosaics at a high resolution. The data was proce...
Multi-Scale Prioritization framework for Urban Blue-Green Infrastructure Plan...
Bildung, Kultur und Sport
This data includes (1) Scripts to aggregate landscape resistance layers into squared and hexagonal grids (i.e., different representations and resolutions), (2) Input resistance ...
Data of national dishes, their similarity and trade flows
Bildung, Kultur und Sport
The data described in this article were collected daily over the period 4 June 2018 to 23 August 2018 and contains information of several data sources. The database includes inf...
Land use projections and services for Switzerland
Bildung, Kultur und Sport
Data and scripts of publication: Madleina Gerecke, Oskar Hagen, Janine Bolliger, Anna M. Hersperger, Felix Kienast, Bronwyn Price, Loïc Pellissier (2019) Assessing potential la...