Historical photographs of protective structures along the Gotthard railway li...
Education, culture and sport, Transport
The photographs contained in this collection stem from an album named "protective structures along the Gotthard railway line" («Schutzbauten an der Gotthardlinie»). The Gotthard...
Photographs of historical railway bridges (ca. 1882-1966)
Education, culture and sport, Transport
This collection includes photographs of bridges in the Swiss Federal Railways' former Kreis II. They were taken around the period from 1882 to 1966. The Kreis II had its adminis...
Haltestellen des öffentlichen Verkehrs
Regions and cities, Transport
Abbildung aller Haltestellen des öffentlichen Verkehrs im Kanton Schwyz (Bus, Eisenbahn, Luftseilbahn und Schiff).
Historical photographs from the album „A tire d’aile par le saint Gothard“ (a...
Population and society, Education, culture and sport, Regions and cities, Environment, Transport
The 60 photographs contained in the lavishly designed album „A tire d’aile par le saint Gothard“ takes viewers leafing through it on a picturesque journey from the heart of Swit...
Photos of the Construction of the Hauenstein Base Tunnel
Population and society, Education, culture and sport, Transport, Economy and finance
The photographs in this collection were taken between 1912 and 1916 during the construction of the Hauenstein railway tunnel. They're part of the extensive photo archive of the ...