Phenology and performance/preference tests Data


-"Synchronex_Cuttings_Pheno.txt" provides the budburst date ('Stage 2') of each twig of the six studies species in the four different temperature treatments ("ambient", "a+5"=Ambient +5°C, 'Greenhouse-5'= Greenhouse at temperature >5°C, 'Greenhouse_10' = Greenhouse at temperature >10°C); 'Success' give the percentage of buds within the twig that succeeded to reach at least stage 2 during the experiment.

'Synchronex-Gypsy.txt' provides the number of eggs that have hatched at each monitoring date (Day of the year in columns); "DOY_hatch_1" corresponds to the first DOY when at least one egg has hatched; "Replicate_egg_mass" correspond to the egg mass replicate (1 to 5)

'PerformanceTest_GypsyMoth.txt' provides the biomass in mg of the caterpillars fed with fresh leaves of each tested tree species during one week. "Fresh_alive" is the biomass of only the living caterpillars after 1 week and "Freshpermoth" corresponds the weight per living caterpillar (Fresh alive/Nalive)

'PreferenceTest_All_species.txt' provides the total surface of leaf disc of each tested tree species remaining after exposing 5 caterpillars to these leaves during 24H. "Total_area" is the surface of the disc of each species measured after 24h exposed to the spongy moth first instars. For each species 'control' means the surface of the disc after 24H without any exposure to the larvae. 'EatenPercent correspond to the percentage surface loss compared to the control.

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Issued date
July 11, 2023
Modified date
July 11, 2023
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