Results literature review


The file shows the results from the literature review. Briefly, we searched papers using google scholar search engine using the following query: (“WILD BEE OR WILDBEE”)(“URBAN” OR “CITY”), and limited the time span from 2010-2023. The search query returned 200 candidate papers. In addition, we complemented the candidate papers from the literature research performed by Ferrari & Polidori (2022), adding 22 additional candidate papers. To select papers, we checked that (1) were conducted in urban areas; (2) sampled the whole bee community; (3) provided data on abundance of wildbees; (4) provided data on honeybees; and (5) provided individual abundance data of each wild bee species. The dataset contains the following: -Article_ID: ID for the specific article in the form "A1", "A2"..."An"
- Title: of the article - Year: of publication
- Journal: of publication
- Publisher:
- Link: link to the publication - DOI: when applicable
- Total abundance wild bees reported: was the total number of collected bees reported? Logical (Y/N)
- Honey bee abundance reported: was thenumber of honeybees collected reported? Logical (Y/N)
- Abundance per wild bee species: was the number of wildbee species sampled provided? Logical (Y/N) - Select proportion: paper selected to calculate the proportion of honeybees and wildbees.
- Select RAD: paper selected to compute the rank-abundance distribution diagram
Comment: comments on the papers, data availability, etc.

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Issued date
March 18, 2024
Modified date
November 27, 2024
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